MAY 2020 | A4 Piano Duo La Memoria del Puerto
MAY 2020 | A4 Piano Duo La Memoria del Puertoby RAY PICOT
The A4 Piano Duo launched their career in 2018 with a series of concerts in their native Argentina and in England. They returned last August with their first London concert, held at St Martin-in-the- Fields, where they introduce their premiere recording, a collection of pieces by the master of the Nuevo Tango, Astor Piazzolla, entitled La memorial de Puerto. This young highly talented piano-four-hands duo, comprising the pianists Maria Paz Solis Leiton and Sebastian Teijeiro, proved to be a very popular choice for the audience, as they breathed new life into Piazzolla classics.
Listening at length to their recording, the well-crafted arrangements, which include the duo’s own, reflect the detail and character of the the originals, which were mainly conceived for chamber size groups or in the case of History del Tango, as a duo for flute and guitar. The duo’s own playing is highly disciplined and expressive, as they create a new sound world for these popular pieces, across the rich sonority of a single keyboard. They maintain a strong sense of spontaneity and the music’s natural rhythmic buoyancy in both live and recorded performances. It’s a real pleasure to hear how they allow individual voices to emerge, particularly in moments of intricate counterpoint, which go hand in hand with the deep sense of nostalgia, at the heart of this music. In live performance the music takes flight in moments of almost symphonic grandeur.
The multi-facetted History del Tango, comes across very well, with excellently characterisation in the four movements. They also include You some Piazzolla classics, including Winter and Spring from the Four Seasons collection, Adiós nonino, Fuga y misterio and the ever-popular Libertango, which ends the set resoundingly.
The recording comes with brief notes on the music, but at present is not available in the UK, though copies would be available if requested, via ILAMS. In the meantime during this period of social isolation, enjoy their performances on Youtube, where you’ll find a good selection, both live and from this album.
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