17/05/08: XII International Voice Competition and Festival, Trujillo, Peru, 2008
17/05/08: XII International Voice Competition and Festival, Trujillo, Peru, 2008For several years ILAMS has been collaborating with the Trujillo International Singing Competition, offering a London debut recital to the First Prize winner of each year.
The Center of Cultural Promotion and the Municipality of the Province of Trujillo announce the 12th International Singing Competition City of Trujillo, a unique event in Latin America, which will be held from 29th October to 8th November 2008 in Trujillo, Peru, with the aim of promoting young singers who wish to exhibit their artistic and vocal merits, and also to contribute to their discovery and international recognition. The Festival also aims to increase interest in Classical Singing and Music, especially in Latin America.
For more information, please contact:
Centro de Promoción Cultural TrujilloXII Concurso y Festival Internacional de Canto Lírico
Fernando de Montesinos 220Urb. El Sol
Email: cantolirico@ceprocut.org
Website: www.concursotrujillo.org
Telephone/fax: +51-044-299751
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